Logen is DESPERATE for your prayers. Pray blog family, PLEASE pray. Just grab this code and add it to your blog (html gadget) so you can help us spread the word! Thanks! Pray for Logen

A sincere THANK YOU to all of you who have added this to your blog! And, to Anelys for creating such a cute blinkie!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Picture Update

What a busy year so far! Here are a few pics to update...

I have some wonderful snow pictures of the boys, I hope to get those off the camera by summer time :)

The boys are wearing the jerseys their Aunt Hannah sent from school. They love them!
Parker got a bike for his 3rd birthday and loves it!
A few pics from Hannah's (my little sis) Debutaunte Ball in Dec 2009.
Adam & I
Hannah & Dad
My sisters & I dancing with Dad
Will, Adam & Dad goofing off
Logen at school.

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