I've not had computer access. We've had a very busy week(s)!! I'll be catching up with pics throughout the next few days.
Saturday, Sept 8th
We went to Hot Springs for My Dad's suprise party! My mom was awesome & came too so that she could watch the boys- it was a 'no kids' thing. My Daddy turned 50 on the 13th! Wow! I can't believe he's half way to 100. LOL (Pics to come)
Wednesday, Sept 12
Was my Dr's appt regarding headaches. We scheduled an MRI for the 14th. She gave me an rx for imitrex, but it's labeled "probably safe" for breastfeeding moms- so I'm only to take it if my head is really pounding (which is pretty much all the time) I went to get it filled & it comes in packages of 9. It was going to be 60 bucks!!!! (250 if I were uninsured). I didn't fill it. I decided to wait for the MRI results. The IM dr wasn't 100% convinced that they are just migraines b/c they tend to get worse at night- when it's dark & quite.
Thursday, Sept 13
My Dad's 50!!!!!!!!
Logen got "dismissed" from preschool. This really deserves a post on it's own. I cannot tell you all how much I cried last Thursday. They let me drop Logen off on Thursday & acted "peachy". Misty (the teacher) had told me Tuesday that Logen was having a hard time sitting in circle time. So, I talked with his therapists & had given Misty so tips. She acted like nothing was wrong- knowing all along that this was Logen's last day. When I came in to get him, the director followed me into the class. After everybody left they said :it's just not going to work". Logen requires alot of extra help. He can't pull up his own pants, or wash hands w/o help, he has to be re-directed during circle time, the walk to the play ground is down a hill & he has a hard time with that.... a bunch of little sh*t!!!!! They had cupcakes Tuesday for snack & Logen had it everywhere- in his hair and ears... I can only imagine what the table looked like. I think that had alot to do with it. He did look very sad Tuesday when I picked him up- he wasn't being as included as I think he should have been during art time. I was peeking through the window. Misty would hold up a picture of a food item & ask who likes it. If you raised your hand, you got one to glue on your paper. Logen, obviously, has a hard time with this- so he had no papers to glue. The look on his face was sad. This bothered me quit a bit- so maybe getting 'kicked out' was for the best. Now, I get to search for a school again. It's not fair for Logen to go into a program, get used to it and then have to leave. Not to mention- I had to completely re-arrange his therapy. Now, our therapists cannot give us our old times and our therapy schedule SUCKS! It was working around school- but now, theres no school to work around. I'm still bitter about this. Why did they even say they would try if they didn't put their whole hearts into it??? I don't think they really really tried. Logen is not a hard kid. Sure he cannot wipe his own a$$ (from the movie Big Daddy! ha), or eat neatly. But, really- what newly 4 y/o does these things completely on their own??? Please say a prayer that we find (yet, again) another preschool for Logen.
Friday, Sept 14
My MRI was at 7:30am. Let me tell you when the tech says "don't open your eyes" LISTEN! She did put a towel over my eyes, but I could peek through the bottom of it. I did and I swear my nose was touching the machine. I honestly thought I was going to suffocate! Other than trying to hyper-ventilate- all went ok. I am still awaiting results.
Logen also go his new polly wogs! He has done fairly well in them (I will post pics of the new digs)
Saturday, Sept 15
Steph (Brendan's Momma) turned 28!!! Happy Birthday!
Parker sat under Logen's booster seat waiting for him to drop crumbs. Logen did- he started dropping large pieces of graham crackers. Parker was a mess!!! Logen thought it was hilarious!!!!
Sunday, Sept 16
Lexi turned 2!!! (Bridgett & Brian's baby girl)
We had a small get together for Logen- it was actually his 4th birthday party! (I haven't posted any birthday pics, I'll get around to that too!)
The boys have been a mess! Parker is finally beginning to hold his own. One day last week, Logen was sitting on the floor drinking some milk. Parker came up behind him, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him down. He grabbed his milk cup and took off! He's been climbing onto Logen alot lately- it's driving Logen crazy that he can finally steal toys back from him. This morning they were chasing each other around the coffee table. They are alot of fun! But, certainly keep you busy!
Suzanne's Baptism 1992
Linda Anderson sent Suzanne this picture of the family on her baptism day
on February 15, 1992.
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7 months ago
THANK HEAVENS!!! Seriously been having Duncan withdrawls over here:) We had a blast at Logen's party:) POOOOO to the preschool jerks-that is just WRONG to jerk with ya'lls emotions. I saw a place called "Happy Kids" in Rogers that has therapy and preschool-have you looked into them? I hope you find something soon without any more tears {{{HUGS}}}