Logen is DESPERATE for your prayers. Pray blog family, PLEASE pray. Just grab this code and add it to your blog (html gadget) so you can help us spread the word! Thanks! Pray for Logen

A sincere THANK YOU to all of you who have added this to your blog! And, to Anelys for creating such a cute blinkie!!

Monday, May 5, 2008


Sad, but I do not remember posting the previous post at all. I was way drugged up. Many of you have already seen pictures of my new boobies, via picture mail. My internet at mail is acting up. Nice- right as I am trying to figure out my class schedule. I'm going back to school (don't think this has been posted about yet) Also, going back to work. Starting May 27th. I am going back to work where I did before I had Parker, the college. I am very excited about it.
About my breasts (hehe) I am emailing a picture from my phone to where I am at now (I don't have any other pic's with me!) I am actually a D cup, it could be swelling- not sure. I've had lotsa complments though :) So, I guess they look good on my body. I lost weight last week, ended up with strep during recovery- which made recovering from surgery a butt. I've had comments that I am to thin now. Gee, I can't win either way!

I do have before and after pics in bikini tops to post. As soon as I get the internet running at home again, I'll be back to faithful blogging! Love and miss you all!

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  1. Glad you are recovering well! You look awesome!

  2. Glad to hear that the surgery went well! You look great!!


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