I wasn't going to blog about this. But, then I decided- it's MY blog. And, I can blog about whatever I want to blog about. If I wanted to blog about the food I ate or how many times I went potty during the day, I could (I assure you I wouldn't do that to my readers!!) I'm having plastic surgery, breast augmentation. I know there are several people out there who don't agree with it. For the longest time I was one of them. I thought you should be happy with what God gave you. Why would you want to change it? He made you perfect in his eyes? Well, if you have been reading my blog for a while- then you know I have self-esteem issues. I want to feel better about myself. I breastfed Logen for 22 months. Parker nursed for 15 months. My breasts are empty and saggy. One of my dearest friends asked me where they went. She told me they used to be pretty. Thats a true friend right there. "Jess, your boobs were pretty. What happened?" Haha. Thanks hun! Love you too!!!
I went in for an initial consultation 6 weeks ago. My PS said that he wouldn't do the surgery until my milk had dried up b/c higher risk of infection plus my breast may 'deflate' even more. No joke, he said 'deflate'. I said- "uh, really- they couldn't possibly get any smaller!" I go back in tomorrow for a follow up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed theres been no change or my milk is gone, whatever needs to be going on inorder to have some saline pumped in there :P My tentative surgery date is April 28th. While I am nervous about going under, I'm more excited about having clevage once again! I've done my research and feel confident that my surgen knows his stuff and that I know what I'm in for. I've also talked to people that have had it done. Including my Aunt, who had a horrible time and said she wouldn't do it again!
So, there ya have it. More honestly from me. I'm going to eventually scare my readers away with it! LOL I'll update after my appt tomorrow!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:09 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Uh-Oh is Parker's newest phrase. Today alone he's used it in the following ways:
* Threw a bottle of steak sauce from fridge and broke it, "uh-oh"
* Threw Logen's cup at his head, "uh-oh"
* Grabbed a plate from the kitchen counter, it broke, "uh-oh"
* Tossed a bottle of Worcestershire sauce from the fridge (didn't break, amazingly), "uh-oh"
* Dumped out a box of toys, "uh-oh"
So, as you can see- it's not a "opps" kinda uh-oh. He says it after he has done something he knows he shouldn't do. I wish I could capture the look on his face when he says it, it is priceless! It's super hard not to laugh at him. Adam & I are paying for our raising with Parker!!!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
5:31 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Silly Sisters
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
3:19 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Random Pics
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
2:01 PM
Hope you have a wonderful day! Love ya :)
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
1:58 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Easter! And, were able to celebrate the true meaning of the holiday. We spent the weekend with family and great friends. We left after Adam got off work Friday night. We had dinner with Daddy & Liz- and my sisters, and big sis's family and some extended family. Saturday, we spent a part of the day sitting at Bridgett and Brians (Bridgett is one of my bestest friends ever. They had to work, so being the nice friend I am- I did some of their laundry and dishes. :) We went to Dad's that evening and spent time with more family. The boys had a ball! Both boys have really taken to their Aunt Abbey! Logen followed her everywhere! We went to church Sunday (both boys stayed in the nursery! I was impressed!) and then back to Dad's to take pics and visit. I will overload with pictures in a bit. Liz and Tiff both got some great ones, and will be sending me a disk when they can. I will post what I have in a bit. We drove on to my Grandma June and Papa Dave's for lunch. The Easter Bunny visited the boys at 3 different places! We have a great bunny in our family!!! We got home around 9pm last night. They boys were very sleepy.
Have a great day!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
12:12 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day...
Well, my title explains it. Today was BAD. I mean REALLY bad.
* I wake up to find Logen has peed all in my bed. I had to take it completely apart- it even soaked the mattress!
* I am a a big hurry and can't seem to remeber ANYTHING I need to take to with me. I ran back into the house atleast 10 times to get something else. Logen has about 6 pairs of shoes- and, I cannot seem to find a single mate. NOT EVEN HIS SWIM SHOES! Where his braces have gone, I don't know. He went w/o shoes today.
* I back into Adam's car while pulling out of the garage. This wouldn't be so terrible if it weren't the 2nd time I've done this. Yes- SECOND time. I smash it even worse. I broke his head light and my tail light. And tore the cahoots out of both bumpers!
* Take Logen into therapy. I feel like the WORST mother ever. While I did manage to grab his lunch for feeding, I didn't get the communication device. Nor is he wearing shoes. And, he runs into the desk, or door- I forget. So, I get the device- I forgot to charge it last night. It's dead. He did therapy next to an outlet so he could 'speak'.
* Go in for an oil change. Leave Parker's diaper bag sitting in front of his car seat. With a card my Momma sent Logen in the bag. The card was in an envelope. Inside was a 100.00 bill and 2 sheets of stickers. I didn't think about it. The dealership had NEVER messed with anything in my car before. I get back to the van and put Parker in his seat, thinking- Oh, I left the card in here. I'd better check it to see if the money is still in there. It's NOT. It had to have been taken out. It in no way could have fallen out on it's own. So, I raised H E double hockey sticks. Nothing was accomplished. The man said that he'd talk to his service techs, and that I mustve taken the $ out and not realized it. Folks, we aren't rich. A hundred bucks is a big deal to us. I would have noticed spending that kind of money. My mom sent the boys the money for a specific reason, a dual DVD player for the van. I hadn't found one we like yet, so I haven't spent that $- I never even took it out of the card. There is an inprint of a hundred dollar bill in the card!
* I'm argueing with the dealership and end up being 20 minutes late to pick Logen up from therapy. Thank goodness for a great clinic- that totally understands!
* Go to WalMart, get the stuff I need and I didn't get the right things, so I left it there and had to go back after Adam got home to watch the boys.
* Dave calls (my step daddy) and tells me I should really go file a police report. At the very least, the dealership will have it's name in the paper with a complaint. I think about it and decided- what they hay. Why not?
* Get to the police station, and sit to wait for the cop to take my report. Remember, Logen is still bear feeted. I'm embarressed. My munchkin child is running around with no shoes. The cop calls us in, and Logen freaks! They had a cop come to his school and the lights and sounds on the car scared him. Guess he thought he was going to go back to the police car. So, I'm giving my report holding a screaming baby and one that keeps digging in the trash. THANKFULLY, Adam just got of work and was near by to save me. Mind you, he's still 189% TICKED I hit his car, a 2nd time.
* Got home, cooked dinner, kitchen cleaned, kids bathes and to bed, and now I'm blogging. Nothing else has gone wrong- yet. My hubby is still not to happy with me, but did atleast kiss me once :) No hug though!
On a side note- Thank you Jesus for not being hurt in any of our crazy incidents today. And, for the time I got to spend with my family. And, that my hubby didn't kill me for crashing 2 cars in my own driveway. :)
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
7:57 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Abbey!
We LOVE you bunches! Have a great day!!!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
1:15 PM
Mr Monkey
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:40 AM
Potty Training Update
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:26 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008
My Daddy and Liz have been married for 21 years today! Way to go guys :) We LOVE you alot and wish you MANY MANY more years together! I can't wait to say I've been happily married for 21 years. Such an awesome thing to look up to.
LOVE you! Thanks for being such great parents and grandparents! See ya next weekend!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
1:10 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
He's In UNDIES!!!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
3:09 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Oh, Wow!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
12:44 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
7:57 PM
Sicklings- Update
Both boys just have colds! Phew! So glad it's not strep!!! Logen still weighs in at 34lbs. Parker is up to 21.2 lbs.
No word on my little sis yet :( Besides that Liz (My other Momma) is stressing, and she has every right too!!!! They are having a crazy week- keep them in your prayers, please :)
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
6:38 PM
I'm taking the boys to the Dr this afternoon. Parker man has a funky rash that starts on his legs, goes away and appears on his face- and back again. Weird. Logen has been feeling pretty cruddy all weekend. He's not eaten and had a fever Saturday. He'd been pulling at the ear that the tube came out of to. Strep is going around in our area- and it's started with a rash in a few kids- so thats my main concern with Parker. I also woke up this morning feeling icky.
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
10:46 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Hey Dawn!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:24 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Survery Thingy
Stole this from Kaye's blog :) Feel free to steal it and post with your own answers!
Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Taco Bell... We call it something else in our house, replace B with a H.
Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. Love Powerhouse (seafood) and Outback Steak House
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. Adam makes me leave atleast 15%. I think it should be based on service, not a percentage. What happened that?
\Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. Chocolate. Oh, wait- I already do that.
Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A. I like supreme or just plain cheese and I am not crazy about sauce
Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
A. Jelly- grape, strawberry, apple butter- I prefer homeaide though
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A. The main vista print... just got my computer fixed, I haven't put any photos or edited any details yet
Q. How many televisions are in your house?
A. 3, living room, garage, and Logen's portable dvd player.
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A. Right
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. 2 wisdom teeth, 2 babies :P
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A. Logen- he's nearly 40 lbs now.
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. For surgery, yep. Hit, nope.
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. Oh, heaven's no!!!
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A. I have no idea. When I was little, I love Alison. It doesn't fit me though.
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. I think teal.
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. Dirt, dog bones, just to name a few...
Q. Have you ever saved some one’s life?
A. I'm not sure. My own maybe.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. Yes. Logen, my mother, Adam.
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. Probably
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. Sure, whats your pinky finger for besides picking your kids nose?
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. Well, yea!
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A. For that much money, foresure! If somebody would give me money for it.
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A. I have to draw the line there. I couldn't do that. I don't even pepper anything- I'm a wimp!
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A. Probably not. I don't want to rot in hell for eternity.
Q: What is in your left pocket?
A: No pockets today, I'm in gray sweat pants.
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: I've not seen it. I heard it was stupid, so I've not wasted my time watching it.
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A: Stand.
Q: Could you live with roommates?
A: I have 4 of them- Adam, Logen, Parker, and occasionally Casper the friendly ghost takes socks and hides things.
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A: I have no idea. It's winter. I can answer this when I start wearing them again.
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A: April 2006. Adam was driving, speeding and got caught. We were on our way to my Dad's for the Easter weekend.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A meterologist until I was about 6ish, then a doctor.
Q: Last Friend you talked to?
A: Adam, on the phone.
Q: Last person who called you?
A: Adam
Q: Number?
A: 13
Q: Season?
A: Fall, love the colors.
Q: Missing someone?
A: Yes.
Q: Mood?
A: Sleepy and hungry.
Q: Listening to?
A: Christian Radio Station, and the boys giggle
Q: Watching?
A: The computer screen and the boys- who are now fighting
Q: Worrying about?
Q: First place you went this morning?
A: To the bathroom.
Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Really looking forward to Florida in August!
Q: What’s the last movie you saw?
A: Fool's Gold
Q: Do you smile alot?
A: When looking at my babies, but I probably should more often!
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Most of the time
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
3:22 PM
Keep Your Fingers Crossed!
This morning I was talking to Logen's teacher, Ms. Gathright. She said that the school had been told that an aide for just Logen would be a great idea. She wasn't sure where that was going to go or if she was suppose to tell me, but she couldn't resist. So, keep your fingers crossed, pray- whatever it is you do that we get a private aide for Logen. I think it would be totally awesome for him!
Hugs! Thanks :)
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
11:46 AM
"Talker" Funnies
Logen (& the rest of the family) is starting to use his communication device more and more. We call it his talker. Here are a few of the funny things he had told us (or just plain cute ones) over the last week.
* As we were leaving OT this morning, Mrs Tabi said "Logen, can you use your talker to tell me bye?" I turn it on for him and he immediately touches, "no" and walks out the door. We were cracking up over that one!
* Last night, I was browning HB meat and holding Logen b/c he was cranky (he'd just been hit in the head with a spoon by Parker) I put his talker by the stove and told him we have a "spoon" "pot" "beef" and we are going to "cook" it. So, he directs me back to the cooking page. He starts hitting all kinds of buttons and pointing to where the are located in the kitchen. My mixer is in a drawer by the stove, I never realized Logen knew that. He choose "mixer" on his device and pointed to the drawer. I was super impressed!
* Monday afternoon as he was working with Ms Gail (one of the SLP's) he was throwing a small fit b/c he wanted to play toys and she wanted him to do his work. She was using the device to tell him that she was sad that he wouldn't work and that he could play toys are soon as he finished his work. He watched her for a bit and then started talking to her- he told her she was "bad", he was "mad", and "please toys", "no work". She said he just kept telling her she was "bad". How funny is that?! His little personality is really starting to shine through!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
11:36 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
How Cool!
I installed a new program on my blog in January. It tells me who visits my blog (not as in your name, just your location~ your state and country) Here is something I've learned:
The date below is from February 4, 08 to March 5, 08.
I've had 2 visits from Germany! (YAY)
109 visits from Canada
7 from Belize
Texas has stopped by 39 times
Get the picture?
I have NOT had any visitors from Maine, Louisana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, South Dakota, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and a few others- so if you know anybody from those states- can ya tell them to stop by? I'd like to have atleast 1 visitor per state by 2009 :)
Thanks! Love & Hugs Blog Fam- J
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
1:33 PM
Watching Flies
Apparently in Arkansas, you can have 4 inches of snow one day and flies in your house the next. We have that problem. Yesterday was a nice day (after school being canceled Tuesday for snow, go figure)- so I left one of the french doors open in the back so the boys could go in and out while I folded laundry. That let a few pesky flies in. Today (as I run around trying to kill them) Parker has enjoyed chasing them and trying to catch them. It's kinda cute to watch one buzz around his head and him turn it like a mad man. We are *suppose* to get snow/mix tonight, I'm hoping we don't. I need to go walking!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
1:19 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Crazy Me
Yesterday was one of those days. I tried going to get milk at Braum's after I dropped Logen off at school- left my purse at home. Took Logen to therapy and went to Sam's- purse was still at home. Luckily, Adam wasn't far, so I was able to get his debit card and go back to Sam's. The lady at Sam's recognized us (that means I'm in there FAR to much), so I was able to do my shopping w/o having my DL or my Sam's card. Then, Parker & I head to WalMart, I get to the produce (I am done with my shopping besides needing produce, so I have been all over the store) I notice my child is no longer wearing shoes. I've been fighting him through the entire store as he's thrown everything in my buggy onto the floor at some point. So, I frantically run through the store searching for 2 tiny shoes- knowing I am going to be late picking Logen up from therapy. Thankfully, we have some terrific therapists who also have children (and know how wild Parker can be) and said that me being a bit late was fine. Phew! The cashier at WM said, "Mam, you look a little stressed" (No, ya think?!) "Is he your only child?" I say, politely, "no, I have a 4 year old as well." She says, "Oh, you must have your hands full. He looks mischievious." I was thinking- woman, are you kidding me?! Don't mess with me today! She goes on to say, "Theres a lady that comes in here with 9 children. They are all that way. I am ready to pull my hair out by the time she leaves. I am so glad they aren't my children" What do you say to that? So very glad I don't have 9 children- God, please be with that lady and her 9 kids. I know she needs it!
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
10:20 AM
Oh, Boy!
Today is a snow day. Does that sum it up? Let me explain... Both of my boys wake up on the wrong side of bed today. Cranky as ever. I get up (after a not so restful night) and come to the kitchen to fix them both milk. Which is very much a chore. Logen's must be thickened, and he likes it with carnation instant breakfast. Parker will not drink milk unless it's thickened with a certain amount of yogurt, preferable strawberry banana. And, they are both very particular about the cup they will drink out of first thing in the morning. I get half way done with the milk making and think to myself- I HAVE to have some coffee. No ifs, ands, or buts about it! I go to the coffee pot and find the absolute BIGGEST coffee ground mess ever. My husband had to have made his coffee with his eyes shut this morning. There is NO possible way he could have gotten the grounds in every nook and crany of the coffee pot and (no joke) spread across half my kitchen floor with his eyes even remotely open, just no way. I'm still finding little black granules in places I never thought possible!
All is good for the moment. I am sitting down at the table with my Cinnamon flavored coffee with a child on both sides of me covered in maple syrup and pancakes. I'm laughing to myself b/c I have no idea how you Momma's with more than 2 babies do it! I was thinking I was such a horrible mother in the middle of it all this morning! I prayed for 45 minutes straight, "God, please grant me the patience and the sanity to get through this day. And, of course for my children to go back to sleep and wake up on the opposite side of cranky. Thank you."
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:02 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
Suzanne Tagged Me... Better play along :)
ETA: Maybe I should proof read before posting... geez!
10 years ago-- I was in 7th grade. Getting ready to try out for Jr high dance team from the 1st time. I'm reminded of this b/c Abbey (my little little sis) is trying out for cheerleading this week. Tryouts are without a doubt the most stressful week of the year for a teen. So glad I will not have to go through another one! I did make it! Every year I tried out. Theres my little brag!
5 Things on my to do list today were:
1. Go to Wal-Mart for our weekly stuff (forgot my wallet this morning!)
2. Vaccum and mop the floors (done, but will probably need it again before bed time)
3. Take Logen to therapy (not done)
4. Put away 2 loads of laundry (not done)
5. Cycle atleast 3 miles, preferable 6. I took Parker on a nice walk yesterday we went about 3.5 miles and played at the park. Logen spent the night with his Nana or he would have gone to. I'd rather be outside walking, but it's NASTY outside today!
Things I would do if I were suddenly a Billionaire: Buy a bigger house, pay off my van- or just get a new one (mine's only an 07 though- so I really don't need a new one), buy Adam whatever kind of car he'd like, put a pool in the back yard- for therapy reasons, build an AWESOME therapy room- complete with huge ball pit and crazy tunnels, possibly hire a maid- except she'd probably get on my nerves b/c I like things done 'my way', It's usually 'my way or the high way' in that regard. Bedrest killed me. I would sometimes sneak up when I was home alone and reload the dishwasher.
3 of my bad habits---
1) Lack of patience
2) Nail biting
3) I can be a total beep, to the point I aggrivate myself.-
Jobs I've had:
Gymnastics Coach/ dance teacher
Hosted Swim parties at a chilrens gym
Pre-K teacher
College Math & Science Tutor
Played games, painted nails, etc at a nursing home- not sure what my job title was
5 Things people don't know about me----
Since I started blogging, theres not a whole lot you guys don't know about me!
1) I'm always hot! My thermostat stays on about 67, year round. I cannot sleep with my feet covered up either. My piggies have to be sticking out of the covers.
2) I don't grow 'arm pit' hair. I keep waiting to get some, but no luck.
3) I'm having elective surgery in a few months.
4) I slept with a blankie until Adam and I moved in together. He wouldn't let me bring it to our house. We found it last weekend when we moved my Momma & Dave. It was so nice to cuddle it again.
5) I vaccumed out my van for the 1st time in 4 months a few days ago. You'd think I was a pig to look in there. I usually have a few empty water bottles laying in there, the overflowing diaper bag, kids toys, a blanket, my purse, etc. Shame on me!
I have to tag 4 people~ Melinda, Kiera, Anelys, & Brandie.
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
10:02 AM
Monday Meal Plan
Hi blog family! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I'm going to try something new. I will be *attempting* to post our weekly meal plans on Mondays. I think it will help me be better prepared for the week- for one, I don't like scrambling around the kitchen at 4pm thinking "What am I going to cook?" And, secondly- it's a good way to share recipes with others. There are a few other blogs out there that post recipes that I may have to 'steal'. Haven't quite decided how and where I am going to post the recipes. Any ideas?
Layered Enchilada Bake made w/ ground turkey instead of beef
Beefy One Pot Dinner
Saucy Parmesan Chicken
Egg Noodles
BBQ Short Ribs (Dutch oven)
Steamed Veggies
Pizza Night (as always!)
Posted by
* ~ *Jessica* ~ *
9:45 AM
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