This was the 1st Christmas w/o Uncle Stevie (he died in a tragic motorcycle accident Sept 18, 08) I just looked through my lil sister's facebook pictures- one of my Aunt, Dad, & Papaw. I sat there thinking something is missing. Uncle Stevie. Just isn't right. I hear his voice, "Jessie, how's it goin'"? I'm afraid I'll start to forget my childhood memories of him. The way Logen took to him the 1st time he met him. (which was odd- I thought he'd be scared of him the way my littlest sister, and most little kids, was)
I spoke with my Aunt Pam on Friday. She called to say hello. She didn't do Thanksgiving with 'our' side of the family this year b/c she said it was just to soon. She told me she didn't stay at the Christmas get together very long b/c Uncle Stevie wasn't sitting at the end of the table where he usually does. And, everybody looks like him. And talks like him. It's true. There's something about my Dad's side of the family- you can just tell we are related. She started crying on the phone. I can't imagine what loosing a spouse is like. And a Dad since my cousin lost his father. I just keep on praying for them.
We will see them soon. And, I can't wait to give my Aunt Pam and big 'ole hug. Logen's week long Doctor's appointments are coming up- we will be about 45 minutes from my family then, so hopefully we will get to see them all. And, do a 'late Christmas'.
Will you say a prayer for Aunt Pam & Tyler please. Thank you :)
Thank you all for your continued prayers for us all. We are so very appreciative. Thank you cannot be said enough.
Suzanne's Baptism 1992
Linda Anderson sent Suzanne this picture of the family on her baptism day
on February 15, 1992.
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7 months ago
I lost an uncle very tragically 10 years ago. He was the center of the family and everything turned around him... He was the one everybody called when they had a problem, and he was there in first line doing something to solve it... He was the one setting on my grandma's answering machine, or putting together the birthdays of all the members of the family... He was just on top of everything... He was gone one day, and it is amazing that 10 years has passed already... We went to a special mass last October 30th because of his 10th anniversary, and we just cant believe it... I remember that day, and it replays my mind over and over again... I dont think there are a lot of people of my family that are "over" this and dont think about him as much as I do... His wife has continued to be an important part of our family and sometimes I just cant imagine how it feels to be her...